Thursday 24 May 2012

Barbara's exhibition at Zimmer Stuart ISLE OF SKYE

Barbara's Exhibition opened the Friday before Joel's. So I took Joel along to see it .

Its totally wonderful, the work looks effortlessly simple and free, such a sense of space  and light . Barbara went through a lot to reach this point and it was completely worth it !!

On the way home we divert to Slindon to visit Mark and Rebecca Ford in their remarkable garden , its full of their extraordinary woven willow structures/sculptures . Rebecca make us tea and we sit on the teak benches Mark made , and admire the view .

Its lovely for Joel to have a complete break from his work, and focus on something else ,  it might be nice to come and paint here in the summer , there's a willow pod perfectly positioned so you can sit in it and see all the way  to the sea !

1 comment:

  1. Great to host a spontaneous tea party, good to meet you Joel, if you get a chance, come up for the pumpkins in October, mark and Rebecca ford.
